Dry and irritable skin
With 12% Omega oils and Licochalcone A to calm and nourish atopic skin
Eucerin Soothing Cream is a light, easily-absorbed daily-use care cream, for inactive ("interval") phases.
When flare-ups do occur, Eucerin Soothing Cream should be used as adjunctive cosmetic care to Eucerin Acute Care Cream.
Containing 12% Omega-6-fatty acids to calm and nourish dry, chapped skin, and the anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant Licochalcone A, Eucerin Soothing Cream hydrates, soothes and reduces roughness while relieving itchy and tight skin. Skin feels soft and noticeably smoothed. It has been clinically proven to be compatible with atopic skin and can be used on children and babies from 3 months old.
As with all products in the Eucerin Soothing Care range, no parabens, fragrances or colourants have been added. These omissions are to minimise the risk of skin irritation and allergies.
Clinical and dermatological studies prove very good skin tolerability on patients with atopic Skin and hyperpigmentation.
For facial atopic skin cleanse skin with Eucerin DermatoCLEAN Cleansing Milk.
Apply Eucerin Soothing Cream in the morning and evening on face and neck.
Gently massage Eucerin Acute Care Cream on affected areas during flare-up.
If sun exposure is expected apply Eucerin Sun Fluid Mattifying 50+ after applying care.
Use Eucerin Soothing Care Soothing Cream if …
Try a different product if …
If you have dry or very skin you may prefer Eucerin Replenishing Face Cream 5% Urea.
Eucerin Soothing cream can be used as a cosmetic care product with Eucerin Acute Care Cream or in addition to a pharmaceutical product.
For body care try Eucerin Soothing Lotion.
Yes, it is fine to wear make up. Just check the ingredients to make sure it doesn’t include any of your known triggers.
Yes, so long as your child is three months or older.
There is no cure as such for this disease but applying AtopiControl Care Cream as part of a daily skin care routine can alleviate some of the discomfort.
This describes the constant dry, itchy skin cycle experienced by people with Atopic Dermatitis. Irritation begins so the sufferer scratches. The scratching causes inflammation which leads to skin dryness which causes barrier dysfunction. This, in turn, provides a humid growth environment for Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to colonise, causing irritation and further scratching. And so the vicious circle continues.
No. Eczema is a general term for any inflammation of the skin. Atopic Dermatitis is a form of eczema, so is also known as Atopic Eczema, but there are several other skin diseases that are eczemas but not Atopic Dermatitis.
Eucerin Soothing Care is a range of dermo cosmetic products that care for for dry and irritable skin and also atopic skin during inactive phases and when flare-ups occur. Each has been clinically and dermatologically proven to reduce dryness, scaling and tension while relieving itching and all are proven to be compatible with atopic skin.
The Basic Care lotions and creams contain a combination of Omega-6-fatty acids and Licochalcone A to replenish skin, restoring its natural barrier and making it more resilient. As well as hydrating skin intensively, these products reduce the roughness, itch and tightness associated with atopic skin.
The Active Care range includes Eucerin's new Acute Care Cream. Its skin caring properties significantly improve the skin's appearance during flare-up phases and help reduce the use of hydrocortisone during flare-ups. A clinical study shows a comparable cosmetic effect of the skin caring properties of Eucerin Acute Care Cream to the effects of a 1 % hydrocortisone cream on the complexion of atopic skin. Acute Care Cream is not a pharmaceutical product and is not meant to replace one.
No fragrances, colourants or parabens have been used in this range and products are suitable for children and babies over the age of 3 months.